Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

I love everything associated with Valentine's Day ~ the pink, red & white decorations to celebrate the most romantic of times ~ hearts, cupid with bow & arrow, love birds, roses, loveknots, lacy heart boxes filled with candies, true love tokens and those sweet little valentine cards.

Although February 14th is a happy occasion for most ~ I don't feel it's just about Romantic Love ~ I enjoy having this special day to show love and affection for those who are near and dear to my heart. I hope I do every day, but I admit it ~ I am guilty of living life & taking my loved ones for granted and at times forgetting to show them how much they mean to me. So I am quite happy there is a designated day to shower my sweeties with affection and sneak in some little token I think they might enjoy.

For the Romantics ~ Valentines Day is special because true love given and received makes life complete... My special valentine has been the same since 1980 and I am so thankful to have him.

~ Valentines Day is not just a day made up by the card companies ~ it has been a celebration all over the world for centuries and as one legend has it ~ it's all because St. Valentine wanted couples in love to be happy at a time when engagements and marriages were forbidden. I truly can't imagine not being married to the love of my life...

... so here we are ..........

My daughter-in-law, Michelle,
made this photo collage for me
about a year and a half ago and it's one of my favorite gifts.

Some say Kissing is a Sin, but I say not at all,
For tis been in the world ever since there were two.
If it wasn't lawful, Lawyers wouldn't allow it.
If it wasn't holy, Preachers wouldn't do it.
If it wasn't modest, Maidens wouldn't taste it.
If it wasn't plenty, Poor folks couldn't have it.

Author unknown

I've had this kissing poem in my stuff since the mid 70's ~ My sister went to a Valentines Social at church and it was in the program. I just thought I'd share it...

Being in the spirit, I did pick-up some little tokens for the loved ones and cards for a few special friends ~ I want them to know how much they mean to me too.

ishing you a Happy Valentines Day!


{oc cottage} said...

A happy day to you too!!!!
M ^..^

Unknown said...

Brenda, I just came across your blog and when I read you love everything about Valentines I thought you might like to look at my blog! You might like the collection of Valentiens that I display here. Your blog is so pretty! We have something in common! Happy Valentiens Day even though it has passed. ~Shirley