Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Magic Lily

Magic Lily's are blooming here in Southwest Ohio now... I love the flower so much I named our house ... because when we painted the trim pink they were in bloom and it just seemed the thing to do... (my husband really does put up with me ~ and I thank him)

I am excited that mine have produced more bulbs this year. I bought about 15-20 bulbs 2 years ago from Mary's Plant Farm and I am so happy to see about 34 have come in this year.

They must like it here...
I like the sweet scent that greets us out front.

I enjoy them while they last ~ it's never long enough.

I just wanted to share a few pics with you... We had a heavy rainshower this afternoon~the raindrops are still clinging to the petals.

I have been busy working on a few new crochet projects and gathering other items that I hope to list later this week.

Enjoy the present!


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Roses Roses Roses

Roses past...
I had a spectacular showing of Roses in May and June.
This Rose is Zephrine Drouin... a beauty in May and so heady with scent you can't imagine! No sweeter place to be on earth than the garden when it is bloomin'

My rose has a life and it wants to live it ~ let me tell you this rose story.

When my husband built the flower box we originally planted a trumpet vine ~ which never bloomed by the way ~ out it came (gone but not forgotten - it still springs up every year somewhere in the vicinity as it doesn't want to die either-go figure). We decided on climbing roses which we thought would look good and picked up two Zephrine Drouin ~ a thornless, strong scented shade tolerating variety. Beauty in about two years I couldn't believe ~ lasted a couple of years then the rose seemed to have spent itself ~ we dug them out and I let the flower box go the next year so we could paint the box and trellis. So for a summer we just planted some annual flowers for color & life. As I was thinking about what I would plant to replace the rose with and still not sure, the rose made that decision for me... the following Spring three came in where once there were two and over the years ~ this is my gift from mother nature.

My June blooming rose is a wild rambler I picked up about 3 years ago in Kentucky at the edge of my grandmother's family cemetery while we were there decorating. They say she was a lover of flowers and I like to think this may have been from one of hers, but if not it is at least from her property. I used the old fashioned way of getting a start ~ I snipped off about a 6 inch piece at the hip, put it in a cup with water for the trip home and that evening I made a mud ball, put it on the stem and placed it in the ground, watered it and put a glass fish bowl over it from early June until late August. Watered regularly ~ it was well rooted. The next year it just grew, last year it bloomed and grew some more. This wild rose only blooms once a year, but as you can see it is lovely to behold.

I'm enjoying other flowers now, but nothing is better than the first rose of summer...

I have designed and crocheted this "Romantique Summer Wrap"

~ anticipation for the first rose of summer
was my inspiration ~

Wishing you a wonderful and enjoyable summertime.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Pink Powder Room

It all started with a vintage pink sink... and I just had to have it. Of course, it took a bit to convince my D.H. that I had to have it, but convince him I did.

After 2 weeks our half bath remodel is finally finished and I thought I'd share our project.

~ I just adore our little powder room ~

I'm on the hunt for a lacy white sink skirt ~ not an easy find ~ may have to make it myself.

The paint color is Serene Thoughts and at night with the nightlight on the room just glows.

The porcelain sink is an American Standard dated 1965 ~ I'm glad we were able to recycle this little gem.

The sink and light fixture we picked up at our local Habitat For Humanity ($20.00-sink and $5.00 for light); brass valve fitting for sink ($10.00); Paint ($20.00); Tile Flooring ($45.00); and the 2 x 3 foot shadow box style frame for white shelves was $3.99 at a local St. Vincent DePaul resale shop (D.H. added extra shelves with wood we had around the house and voila ~ a pretty perfume bottle~what nots collection display).
Ta-dah! $105.00-ish (Not too painful)

I am so pleased with our little remodel and give my husband credit for many hours of work and aggravation (the tiles I insisted just had to go in diagonally which took many cuts and more time to install, extra time also over that sink-after we had sink ready for install found out no studs... he had to cut drywall, add wood between studs, remudd that area and repaint, so needless to say he informed me my $20.00 sink was a pain in the ... well you get it I'm sure).

End of the story is ~ even my D.H. thinks it turned out good.

Until next time ~ Be of good cheer!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

I love everything associated with Valentine's Day ~ the pink, red & white decorations to celebrate the most romantic of times ~ hearts, cupid with bow & arrow, love birds, roses, loveknots, lacy heart boxes filled with candies, true love tokens and those sweet little valentine cards.

Although February 14th is a happy occasion for most ~ I don't feel it's just about Romantic Love ~ I enjoy having this special day to show love and affection for those who are near and dear to my heart. I hope I do every day, but I admit it ~ I am guilty of living life & taking my loved ones for granted and at times forgetting to show them how much they mean to me. So I am quite happy there is a designated day to shower my sweeties with affection and sneak in some little token I think they might enjoy.

For the Romantics ~ Valentines Day is special because true love given and received makes life complete... My special valentine has been the same since 1980 and I am so thankful to have him.

~ Valentines Day is not just a day made up by the card companies ~ it has been a celebration all over the world for centuries and as one legend has it ~ it's all because St. Valentine wanted couples in love to be happy at a time when engagements and marriages were forbidden. I truly can't imagine not being married to the love of my life...

... so here we are ..........

My daughter-in-law, Michelle,
made this photo collage for me
about a year and a half ago and it's one of my favorite gifts.

Some say Kissing is a Sin, but I say not at all,
For tis been in the world ever since there were two.
If it wasn't lawful, Lawyers wouldn't allow it.
If it wasn't holy, Preachers wouldn't do it.
If it wasn't modest, Maidens wouldn't taste it.
If it wasn't plenty, Poor folks couldn't have it.

Author unknown

I've had this kissing poem in my stuff since the mid 70's ~ My sister went to a Valentines Social at church and it was in the program. I just thought I'd share it...

Being in the spirit, I did pick-up some little tokens for the loved ones and cards for a few special friends ~ I want them to know how much they mean to me too.

ishing you a Happy Valentines Day!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's Been the Week

Well I've had an interesting week so far.
My birthday was on Saturday - Hubby took me to dinner to my favorite restaurant the Spinning Fork, he gave me gifts of perfume and a dozen roses *pink* of course :)

Yesterday and today we have had snow & 1/2 inch of ice & more snow. This is my youngest playing in the snow yesterday before the ice came

* * * My little snow angel :)

and this was today's winter wonderland

After digging out, I sat down and started crocheting this purple scarflette
for ~ Etsy ~ I'll be back to my 9-5 job tommorrow - hopefully school won't be canceled again...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Myspace Graphics
Myspace Graphics

I just can't stick to a New Year Resolution, so this year, I will just try to do my best on as many things as I have the time and energy for.

But, there are 5 things I want to accomplish in 2009:

1) Tone up and/or lose 15 pounds Treadmill 2-3 times per week to start things off right
2) Crochet ~ alot more ~ I want to attend at least 2 craft shows later this year
3) Perfect at least 2 of the crafts I've jotted down in my "Idea Book"
4) Get my craft room/studio organized
5) Unspoken ~ shhh.... sorry, but it's a secret :)

To those of you who have New Year Resolutions - I hope you are successful!